We all have a story. In fact, we all have many stories. Our stories grow, magnify, look different from day to day and are constantly changing. Some stories we wish we could let go and some we wish we could hold on to forever. However, all our stories - the good, the bad, the memorable, the challenging - they collectively create who we are. Our stories have guided our lives and shaped us into who we are today.
Sometimes the

re is a story we feel a need to stay connected to. We want to hold on to it and keep it close. My dream job of creating wearable stories came from a tragic story in my life - losing my stepfather. I wear his initials and a phrase he always said to me on my wrist everyday. Carrying a piece of him with me really helps me get through the hard times.
Our stories can sometimes be summed up in the form of names, dates or words we strive to live by. Some stories are expressed through symbols that hold meaning to us. Some stories can be represented in the form of coordinates - our hometown, where we wet me our loved one, where we were married.
What is your story? What story would you like to hold on to and keep close?